Jennifer Elson was born in Sheffield in the late eighties. At the age of four, her family relocated to Woodsetts, a small village surrounded by countryside. Her home became a source of inspiration for many of her early works.
It was evident that Jennifer had a natural ability to draw and paint that far exceeded her ability to read and write from an early age.
Jennifer continued her art practice through School, College, and University, developing her unique style.
Despite encouragement from others and selling numerous paintings before turning twenty-four, she had the belief that becoming an artist would be down to luck rather than ability. Jennifer remembers her parents saying she would need another job to support her desire to be a full-time artist. After University, Jennifer worked heavily within the private sector and continued her art practice on the weekends for several years.
Just before the UK went into Lockdown during the Covid-19 pandemic, Jennifer was made redundant as a Business Development Manager. This turn of events resulted in Jennifer replacing her previous working hours creating art.

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